Saturday, April 17, 2010

Muay Thai Chaiyuth

By Mas Jonty

Here at the Golden Flower Warriors' Association, we have been spending some time researching the traditional martial arts of Thailand recently. There's some fascinating material that has become available recently. It may offer the "missing link" between the disparate elements of the SE Asian martial arts -- especially between the fighting arts and the sport arts.

I'm currently studying a series of DVD's that go by the name "Muay Thai Chaiyuth". The last word is usually spelled "Chaiya", so I was delighted when I stumbled upon these videos.

Above is a screenshot of one of their more extreme postures, from a sort of "peacock dance" performed traditionally before a match. Below is a shot of one of their training sequences, which match Muay Thai but also could come from Okinawan or Chinese arts.

I'll be posting more as I break down and analyze the DVD series.