Thursday, September 1, 2011

One More Brief Clip of Silat Tua:

A brief display of locking techniques and flow in Silat Tua.

A Couple Quick Clips of Kuntao Mantis (Silat Tua):

In this clip, Pakcik Zainal is giving a brief demonstration of Kuntao Mantis. Various Chinese arts and animal styles fall within the umbrella of Silat Tua under the title of Kuntao (Kuntau).

This clip gives a few applications for Mantis techniques.

A Clip of Silat Embo (One of the Silat Tua Arts)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Its Been a Long Time...

...since I posted anything here. My father passed away a little before Christmas last year and my mother spent some time in the hospital with some health issues. We moved around the same time...which was sooner then we had been planning. It seems our landlord had decided to stop paying on the mortgage of the house we were living in. We found out when the lender came and posted paperwork on the front door. We managed to relocate down in the greater Portland area, in a much better (and cheaper) home than the previous, but the move set us back a great deal and we're only just digging ourselves out. I've had issues with my back. I think they are slowly resolving.

While I haven't done a huge amount of martial arts training this year, I've been actively networking with various people, mostly via Facebook, here in the States and abroad...primarily in Britain and Malaysia. As I haven't really found a silat teacher here in the Portland area that I wish to train with, I'm devoting my efforts to distance training. I'll be taking my first test here very soon (as soon as I can sit down and figure out the camcorder we bought, and how best to film my test) in Pendekar William Sanders' Pencak Silat Pukulan Cimande Pusaka. Additionally, I've begun training in Guru Tuan Hj. Zainal Abidin Bin Shaikh Awab's Persatuan Silat Tua Pulau Pinang. Pakcik Zainal is a respected Malaysian teacher who offers a cluster of family arts gathered under the banner of Silat Tua, running the gamut from Malay, Southern Thai (Pattani) and Indonesian silat styles to Muay Thai and other traditional Thai arts like Muay Seah Khao ("White Tiger") and Krabi Krabong. He's very graciously agreed to teach me across the miles and accepted me into his martial family.

I will have much more to say about all of this in the next week or two, as I am going to be starting a study group here in the greater Portland area! Its always more fun and interesting, in my opinion, to be able to practice martial arts with other, like-minded people. So keep an eye out for the details...